报告题目:Ultra-Sensitive Biological and Chemical

Sensors Based on Shrink Polymer

报 告 人:崔天宏教授

University of Minnesota, USA

报告地点:无机-超分子楼 一楼圆形报告厅


邀 请 人:孙俊奇教授

报告题目:On-Chip Optical Spectroscopy: In Situ

and Ex situ monitoring of chemical

processes Tarik Bourouina

报 告 人:Prof. Tarik Bourouina

ESIEE Paris, Université Paris-Est

报告地点:无机-超分子楼 一楼圆形报告厅


邀 请 人:孙俊奇教授


Tianhong Cui is currently a Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota. He is an Adjunct Professor at Mayo Clinic, a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and a Laureate of Blaise Pascal Visiting Chair from the ENS Foundation in France. He is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME). His current research interests include MEMS and nanotechnology. He has more than 310 archived publications in scientific journals and prestigious conferences. He received awards including the STA & NEDO Fellowships in Japan, the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship in Germany, the Research Foundation Award from Louisiana Tech University, the Richard & Barbara Endowed Chair and the Distinguished McKnight University Professorship from the University of Minnesota, the Distinguished Visiting Professorships from University of Paris East and Tsinghua University, the Blaise Pascal Chair for Excellence from ENS Foundation in France, the Distinguished Visiting Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering in UK, the Outstanding Editor Award from Nature Publishing Group, and numerous best paper awards. He is the founding Executive Editor-in-Chief for two Nature Partner journals, Light: Science & Applications and Microsystems & Nanoengineering. He is also serving as the founding Editor-in-Chief for the first AAAS/Science Partner Journal titled Research.

Short Bio: Tarik Bourouina holds M.Sc. in Physics, M.Eng. in Optoelectronics, Ph.D. in MEMS (1991), and Habilitation HDR (2000) from Université Paris-Sud, Orsay. Tarik Bourouina took several positions in France and in Japan, at the Université Paris-Sud Orsay in 1995, at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and at The University of Tokyo from 1998 to 2001. Since 2002 he is full Professor at ESIEE Paris, Université Paris-Est. He used to be the Director of the joint Master dual-degree in MEMS Engineering between ESIEE Paris and NTU-Singapore from 2003 to 2007. His entire career was devoted to the field of MEMS and Lab-On-Chip. He had several contributions in optical MEMS, among which the smallest MEMS-based FTIR Optical Spectrometer, Neospectra, jointly developed with Si-Ware-Systems, awarded the Prism award on photonics innovation in 2014. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s Fellowship, as visiting scientist at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CIOMP). His current interests include fundamental micro-opto-fluidics, also seeking applications in the areas of Sustainable Environment and Smart-Cities.