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报告题目:The Materials Chemistry of the Mechanical Bond and its Supramolecular Precursors: Interactions at the Polymer Nanoparticle and Micellar-Solvent Interface

报   告 人:Mark A. Olson

                     Assistant Professor of Chemistry

                     Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences

                     Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi  United States of America

报告时间:20121017(星期三) 下午2:00

报告地点:无机超分子楼 A501


The supramolecular tenants that govern the self-assembly of biologically important macromolecules into their native tertiary and quaternary superstructures have long been employed by the synthetic chemist to develop increasingly complex architectures. At the heart of these self-assembly processes are a clutch of non-covalent bonding interactions that are responsible for aiding and abetting the molecular components in their journey to achieving higher ordered superstructures.

Herein, we will draw attention to the dynamic nature of the mechanical bond and its pseudorotaxane precursors which allows for the operation of molecular and supramolecular switches and machines -both as small molecules and as complexes- with actuation occuring in solution, along polymer backbones, on gold nanoparticle surfaces and ultimately in aqueous solutions templating the aggregate self-assembly at the micellar-solvent interface.
